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Your search for "sulfur" found 175 result(s)
Leaf growth is reduced and leaves are pale green / yellow in colour...
Symptoms start on younger leaves which become pale green or yellow...
The upper leaves turn yellowish green or chlorotic...
Sulfur deficient plants produce fewer leaves...
Symptoms begin at young leaves...
In case of sulphur deficiency roots are very ramified and longer than normal...
The pale green/yellow leaves (left) are reduced in size and growth may be stunted...
YaraVera AMIDAS is a nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer all in one granule providing homogeneous nutrient distribution to crops and improved handling.
Plant shows stunted, erect growth with interveinal chlorosis of the younger leaves...
General plant growth is reduced, with the leaves showing a yellowish, pale green color...
Chlorosis starts from the younger leaves and proceeds to the older leaves with ongoing deficiency...