Sulfur deficiency made worse by
- Acidic soils
- Light, sandy soils (leaching)
- Low organic matter
- Poorly aerated soils (waterlogged soils
- ) Areas with low industrial emissions
Sulfur is important for
- Component of enzymes and other proteins
- Necessary for chlorophyll formation
- Bulb weight and yield
- Boosts pungency and sugar content
- Tolerance to pest and disease attack
- Increases skin strength and colour
Yara recommended fertilizers for Sulfur
Onion: 3 to 10 lb. per acre per application. Repeat as needed. Apply aerial applications in at least 5 gallons/acre and ground applications in at least 10 gallons/acre; however, when total application gallonage is 25 gallons per acre or less, DO NOT mix more than 1 lb. of this product per gallon of water.
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