Agitate PROCOTE before each use.

The entire tote must be brought up to temperature 70°F before agitation can begin.

Use agitation equipment to homogenize blend prior to use. Initial agitation of 30 minutes is recommended to evenly re-disperse nutrients in the suspension. When the tote is being used on a regular basis a quick maintenance of 5-10 minutes is recommended each morning before use.

Held-over and partial totes from previous years should also be heated and agitated using the above guidelines.

The easy way to assess the thickness of Procote is by simply raising and lowering the mix tube or blades. After initial agitation, an air wand can be used to assess the condition of the tote and determine if additional agitation is needed.

Do not agitate while pumping product – the movement of the scales can affect the metering process.

procote tote with visible line of separation

VISIBLE LINE of separation

Agitation is needed!

procote tote with no visible line of separation

NO VISIBLE LINE of separation

Check the condition of the tote. Additional agitation might still be needed.


Agitation Equipment

Closed-air mixing system

procote closed-air mixing system for agitation

Mechanical blade mixer/Paddle Mixer

procote agitation mechanical blade


procote agitation with air wand

Air wand

To be used as a tool (not a 100% solution). An air wand can be utilized as an aid to agitation or in unique situations.