2022 Season Recap - Columbia Basin (Potato) Incubator Farm

The field trial area on the farm in 2022 consisted of two 130-acre irrigated pivots with half pivots of Yara TopPotato program compared to half pivots of a baseline nutrient management program.

The TopPotato program included a dynamic crop nutrition program that was optimized for high potato yield and quality.

Here are some of the key findings and results of the 2022 season.

In-Season Observations

  • The Yara treatment showed improved early vigor and more even early tuber set compared to the grower standard.
  • Spoon-feeding YaraLiva CN-9 beginning at tuber initiation and throughout the heat snap experienced in mid-summer helped the crop withstand and recover from the heat, leading to a more vigorous crop during the tuber bulking stage.
  • A visual assessment late in the season indicated that the vines were greener and more vigorous in the Yara TopPotato treatment compared to the baseline treatment.

Yield and Quality

  • In the first field trialed, the Yara TopPotato program led to a marketable yield increase of 7% or 2.1 t/ac at harvest. Additionally, the percent of harvested potatoes that were in the marketable category was 7% higher in potatoes coming from the Yara TopPotato treatment compared to the baseline program. Improved fry color and higher specific gravity were also observed at harvest. 
  • Coming out of bulk storage, potatoes from the Yara program had higher usable percentage, more bruise-free, fewer culls and process culls, and more 6 oz tubers. Overall, the TopPotato program led to a $62/acre total net return.
columbia basin incubator farm
columbia basin incubator farm

7% increase

marketable yield at harvest

$ 62/ac

total net return

  • In the second field trialed, the Yara TopPotato program had a lower yield compared to the baseline program at harvest. However, potatoes from the Yara program coming out of bulk storage had higher usable percentage, more 6 oz potatoes, and fewer culls and process culls. These quality improvements in storage led to a $181/acre total net return in the Yara TopPotato program.