Optimize Citrus Yields with Boron, Calcium, and Zinc

June 2019

Boron is an important micronutrient that contributes to increased citrus yield and quality. It has many functions within the plant. Along with calcium, it plays an important role in maintaining cell structure and cell wall integrity. Deficient levels of boron reduce citrus yield and quality. From fruit set through fruit enlargement and maturation, boron is essential to help ensure maximum yields by minimizing fruit drop. It also plays a role in carbohydrate utilization for sugar content leading to better fruit quality.

Another essential micronutrient in citrus is zinc. Zinc deficiency significantly reduces leaf canopy growth and yield potential. Low levels of zinc can reduce fruit size which in turn decreases overall yields as well as the price received by the grower. Zinc nutrient should be applied pre-flowering, during fruit enlargement and maturation as well as post-harvest. Soil and foliar applications are effective in increasing citrus yields. Like boron, zinc also plays a role in increasing juice content.

Water stress in citrus reduces turgor pressure which impacts several key processes in plants including cell division and enlargement. Water stress can lead to smaller leaves and fruit, thereby reducing crop yield and quality. Calcium helps plants manage water stress by working with potassium to control opening and closing of stomates. Calcium is also a key messenger within the plant and it promotes good root health and growth so that roots are better able to explore the soil to extract all the available water that is in the soil.

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YaraVita POWERBOR Ca is a highly concentrated flowable product containing significant levels of calcium, boron, and zinc, along with urea, all of which are important for optimum citrus growth and yields. A controlled particle size gives both a rapid response and a longer-lasting effect. This reduces the need for repeat applications saving both time and money. YaraVita Powerbor Ca is manufactured using only the purest raw ingredients and specially formulated to help assure that it can be safely applied to all crops.

Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 4%
        Urea Nitrogen 4%
Calcium (Ca) 15%
Boron (B) 3%
Zinc (Zn) 6%



Vanessa Vicencio

Sales Agronomist at Yara North America - South Central Valley, California


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Vanessa Vicencio
Vanessa Vicencio
Sales Agronomist

South Central Valley, California