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is Yara's commitment to helping farmers grow their top potatoes in terms of both yield and quality. Seed potatoes, fresh market potatoes, and processing potatoes each have their own unique crop nutrition demands. Yara avoids the cookie-cutter approach to potato crop nutrition by addressing the physiological demands for the crop at each critical growth stage for the crop. By addressing those needs with the crop’s end use in mind, and taking into account local knowledge of soils, climate and cultural practices, Yara designs crop nutrition programs that helps farmers achieve their production goals. 

potato potato

Maximizing nutrient use efficiency and delivering high yields and grower profitability is at the core of the TopPotato Program.

2.5 :1

Farmer ROI

Nutrient efficiency
7.2 % better

Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE)

7.2 %

Land Use Savings (through Productivity Increases)

Learn about the Yara Incubator Farm in the Columbia Basin, WA

columbia basin incubator farm

Yara's Incubator Farm in the Columbia Basin of Washington aims at exploring how a complete potato crop nutrition program that drives productivity and grower profitability can simultaneously lead to a reduced carbon footprint.

Learn more